
Hey folks, I am Amudi. I am currently working in technology space, and have been for the past 15 years. I spend most of my time in California 🇺🇸 and Jakarta 🇮🇩.

I am in a phase of my career where I learn a lot about various things, at a very rapid pace. I use this website as a venue to reflect on what I learn, and to share with you. I hope you find this useful. Subscribe today to get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available.

Why am I writing this blog?

  1. My expression on the internet
    I would like to have a somewhat permanent place on the Internet. I’ve had this domain since 2007. I used to blog here. I started with WordPress, then Posterous (RIP).
    I look up to internet people with websites or blogs that have been around for a long time.
  2. SEO of my name
    When I search for my name, I want it to go to me or sites related to me, not some random unrelated things.
  3. I have something to share from my experience
    Compared to when I started years ago, I have seen more things in life. Failed in various areas. I had various levels of success too. I would like to write them down and share them with others who might stumble here.
  4. Practice ground for writing
    Writing and storytelling are valuable skills. I learn it every day in life and work. I would like to practice it here, too.


See my Contact page on ways to contact me.